Vista Perfecta Tunnel projects consulting and mediation
Based on profound education and a long history of working on tunnel projects and other underground works, Vista Perfecta Tunnel projects consulting and mediation is your partner for the contractual implementation of an underground project as well as other underground related services.
Advisory services for tunnels and underground works.
Contracts for Tunnels and underground structues
The future in tunnels and underground contracts.
Mediation the path for smoother project implementation.
Design Review • Site Supervision
For the execution of the project.
Vista Perfecta Tunnel projects consulting and mediation
Based on profound education and a long history of working on tunnel projects and other underground works, Vista Perfecta Tunnel projects consulting and mediation is your partner for the contractual implementation of an underground project as well as other underground related services.
Our services for Tunnel projects consulting and mediation.
Our services for Tunnel projects consulting and mediation.
Our services for Tunnel projects
consulting and mediation.

Advisory services for tunnels and underground works.
Advisory services for Clients, Contractors and other consultants in the field of Tunnels and Underground Works with a special focus on contracts, risk and opportunities during all project phases.

Contracts for Tunnels and underground structures
The future in tunnels and underground contracts.
The FIDIC Emerald Book is the contract form endorsed by the World Bank to be used for contracting projects that involve underground works. As a Task Group member during the preparation of the FIDIC Emerald Book and as the Chair for the task group for the preparation of the Contracts Guide, Vista Perfecta is best suited to support Clients, Contractors as well as Consultants from the phase of choosing the right tendering strategy all the way through the implementation of the project.
The potential services:
• | Choice of right contract form and procurement strategy |
• | Preparation of tender documents |
• | Evaluation of tenders |
• | Risk analysis during tender phase |
• | Support for the preparation of compliant proposals |
• | Dispute Avoidance and Adjudication Board (DAAB) |
• |
Support of Owners or Contractors during execution of the project |

Mediation the path for smoother project implementation.
The education as a Professional Master of Mediation allows me to assist the parties to a contract to set the field for working together amicable during the execution of the project and reduce frictions. Avoiding these frictions which are usually disturbing and counterproductive will help for the successful project implementation.
The know-how of an experienced tunnel expert combined with the education as a mediator allows me to support clients to set up a good strategy for early involvement of stakeholders to ensure real success for your project. Only a project that is accepted by most parties will be a real success story.

Design Review / Site Supervision:
For the execution of the project.
Together with a team of associated high qualified and experienced partners, we are capable of handling design/design review projects or support you for site supervision.

Advisory services for tunnels
and underground works.
Advisory services for Clients, Contractors and other consultants in the field of Tunnels and Underground Works with a special focus on contracts, risk and opportunities during all project phases.

Contracts for Tunnels and underground structures
The future in tunnels and
underground contracts.
The FIDIC Emerald Book is the contract form endorsed by the World Bank to be used for contracting projects that involve underground works. As a Task Group member during the preparation of the FIDIC Emerald Book and as the Chair for the task group for the preparation of the Contracts Guide, Vista Perfecta is best suited to support Clients, Contractors as well as Consultants from the phase of choosing the right tendering strategy all the way through the implementation of the project.
The potential services:
• | Choice of right contract form and procurement strategy |
• | Preparation of tender documents |
• | Evaluation of tenders |
• | Risk analysis during tender phase |
• | Support for the preparation of compliant proposals |
• | Dispute Avoidance and Adjudication Board (DAAB) |
• |
Support of Owners or Contractors during execution of the project |

Mediation the path for smoother
project implementation.
The education as a Professional Master of Mediation allows me to assist the parties to a contract to set the field for working together amicable during the execution of the project and reduce frictions. Avoiding these frictions which are usually disturbing and counterproductive will help for the successful project implementation.
The know-how of an experienced tunnel expert combined with the education as a mediator allows me to support clients to set up a good strategy for early involvement of stakeholders to ensure real success for your project. Only a project that is accepted by most parties will be a real success story.

Design Review / Site Supervision:
For the execution of the project.
Together with a team of associated high qualified and experienced partners, we are capable of handling design/design review projects or support you for site supervision.
About Vista Perfecta
Our services are based on education (Master in Engineering Geology and a Master in Mediation) and more than 20 years of experience working for Contractors and Owners in virtually all possible roles. These roles include site supervision, development of designs, preparation of tender documents, consulting of Contractors during the tender phase, avoidance of claims for the Employer to name a view.
The knowledge gained working with contractors, as an engineer, and as a consultant to owners has given a good understanding of the different points of view on a project where the parties have one goal but want to achieve different objectives.
Why the company name Vista Perfecta?
Finding the right company name is not that easy and even more so when the authorities have quite stringent rules. It took some time to realise that the name for the company was so close and only an eyesight away…